Information for New Patients

Same Day Saturdays Schedule

If you are in need of a family healthcare provider, it is recommended that you register with Family Doctor Finder (online or by phone – information linked below). Family Doctor Finder is a service in Manitoba which links individuals with healthcare providers in their chosen geographical area. At Open Health Niverville, we work closely with Family Doctor Finder. When a doctor is accepting new patients, we will report this to Family Doctor Finder and they will reach out to the individuals on their waitlist.
Open Health anticipates taking on new patients (early to mid 2023) and will be welcoming additional doctors to the practice in the near-term and suggest that if locals are looking for opportunities to find a local family practice doctor that they should register with Family Doctor Finder today.
As a private clinic, we are not required to utilize this service exclusively, and may filter new patients on site when we are able to do so. At times, a doctor is able to take on immediate household members of a currently registered patient; but other times the doctor’s roster is too full to do so. It is not a requirement that every family member sees the same provider. Therefore, if you or someone in your household is already a patient of the clinic, but the rest of the family members are not – it is still a good idea to register those family members at Family Doctor Finder for this reason.
Once established on the Doctor Finder waitlist, you are contacted by them directly based on their queue. They will provide you with a time to call the clinic. Family Doctor Finder then provides us with a list of patients who they have referred to our facility.
Once a Meet and Greet appointment is arranged at our facility, it is important to attend this appointment. If the Meet and Greet appointment is missed due to a no-show, the clinic is not obligated to rebook this appointment. We understand that emergencies do come up, therefore we ask for a phone call to reschedule the appointment even if short notice.
More information about Family Doctor Finder can be seen here:
Open Health Niverville